Reasons to Utilize an Infrared Wall Moisture Detection Survey

When moisture begins to accumulate inside a wall, it often cannot be seen. However, the fact that it cannot be seen doesn’t diminish its damage-causing potential. Here’s what could happen if moisture accumulation goes undetected in walls:
  • Moist areas are a thriving place for mold and mildew. These not only pose a health hazard by causing allergic reactions, but also damage buildings over a period of time.
  • Moisture in walls can seep through to structural wood, causing it to rot. It causes dry wall to swell and flake off, leading to large unsightly spots on the walls. Lack of timely moisture detection can destroy the structural integrity of a building.
  • Moisture adversely affects the quality and performance of your insulation. This has a direct impact on your heating and cooling bills, causing them to rise.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, moisture detection becomes a very important aspect of the process of evaluating and acquiring real property and of the overall maintenance plan of buildings.

The Importance of Infrared Wall Moisture Detection 
The infrared cameras that are used in infrared wall moisture detection surveys or inspection can distinguish between wet and dry by measuring the thermal variations of wet materials, and can provide a clear picture of moisture damage along walls. Infrared-enabled testing is a much smarter alternative to conventional methods such as photographs and water moisture meters that are not entirely accurate.

Infrared thermography inspection is non-contact and nondestructive testing (NDT), meaning it can be carried out effectively without disrupting normal activity or operations. Moisture detection in walls and buildings should always be carried out by Certified Thermographers.

Infrared Consulting Services, Inc (ICS) is a leading provider of Infrared and Ultrasonic Testing Solutions since 1988. For more information or inquiries, please visit us at